【雨水タンク】ハーコスター社製 専用オーバーフローキット

商品番号 100110600010
¥ 4,290 税込


商品内容 L字型ソケット・ホース1.5m・パッキン・ナット
生産国 イギリス

"Straight Ltd is a leading manufacturer and distributor of high-quality waste and recycling solutions. As the key specialist in all our markets, we have a broad portfolio of products and services underpinned by an extensive track record."

ストレート リミテッド~ 廃棄物・リサイクルコンテナのスペシャリスト 弊社は高品質コンテナの製造とリサイクルソリューションを提供するリーディングカンパニーです。幅広い製品ラインナップと長年の経験に支えられたサービスをご用意しております。

Straight Ltd leads the field in supplying inventive, high-quality waste and recycling solutions to a broad range of customers. As the key specialist in all of our markets we have a broad portfolio of products and services underpinned by an extensive track record.


Over the past two decades we have gained a deep understanding of the waste and recycling sector which has led to a clear insight into the needs of our customers. Our business is built on long-term partnerships and our customers genuinely sit at the heart of our operation.


At Straight Ltd, we want to make a difference and to implement lasting changes that will impact the whole waste sector and the environment itself. As a progressive organisation, we are always open to new ideas about how we can improve.
